Home Learning

Home Learning

We are so incredibly proud of Year Three and it has been a joy to see your home learning each day, we would like to thank you all! Over the next week we will be reading the Greek myth of Icarus and Deadauls. We will then be writing a diary entry from the point of view...
Website Links for Learning

Website Links for Learning

Good morning Year 4. These are the website links you will need this week for Maths, the class blog page and the web page for today’s English task. Have a good day, Mrs Edwards Maths:  https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ English:...
This is Me

This is Me

We have had so much to be proud of this week in Year Two and it has been a joy to see your home learning each day, we would like to thank you all! This week you have been super busy thinking about your ‘this is me’ work, thinking about what makes you...
Competition time and video opportunity!

Competition time and video opportunity!

Hi Year 5, First of all, we want to thank you all for your continued hard work with your home learning on Seesaw. We are proud of each and every one of you. Next week, we will be posting some competitions for you to get involved with. This week you have had a PE...
This is Me

This is Me

Another great week of home learning Year 6! We are incredibly proud of the efforts you are putting in and would like to thank everyone that has posted on SeeSaw this week. The children have spent this week considering what makes them special and unique. They have...