About our school
Covid-19 Catch up Fund Spending
The government has allocated a fund to help catch up the gaps in learning that have developed due to the disruption to learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Details of how we’ve used this funding are shown below. We’ve highlighted some of that recent spending below, but you can also download the two PDFs at the bottom of the page for a more detailed breakdown showing the entire allocation.
English Digital Resources ( £5,327)

Accelerated Reader
This is a reading tool used in school to assess the age level children are reading at in Year 2 to 6. Books in school are categorised according to reading level. Pupils read books at their assigned level and then complete quizzes online to assess their understanding of the book. They continue reading at their specified level, until they have attained a passing score in several texts. Teachers have a login to assess children and generate reports based on usage and attainment. At the start of each term children complete a Star reading test to revaluate their reading level.
Accelerated Reader – MyOn
MyOn is an additional online book resource within Accelerated Reader, which has a collection of thousands of enhanced digital books that can be read anytime, anywhere. This is linked to the pupil’s accelerated reader account so children have continue to access and evaluate their reading without the need for physical books.
This is a reading tool especially used in Key stage 1. It has a collection of 500 finely levelled interactive reading books allowing children to read and develop at school and at home. It monitors their progress and assess their work instantly.
Mathematics Digital Resources (£2,196)

This is an online maths resource used by Years 5 and 6, where children have been issued an individual username and password. Children can access their account from home and school using a tablet or laptop. Teachers can set a range of assignments linked to current learning or to practise and consolidate prior learning. Teachers can then see who has completed the set tasks and facilitate supporting those who haven’t. They can track progress to identify any gaps, next steps or misconceptions that need targeting and the resource can also be used as a flipped learning tool. Children can also track their own progress to see how they are achieving and virtual medals are given as incentives to encourage further learning. This is an online engaging way to practise and apply their maths skills.
This is an engaging online maths resource used by Years 1 to 4, children are issued with personal codes to access from home and school. Teachers can set tasks related to current learning, the curriculum and teachers are able to differentiate tasks depending on support children need. Mathletics supports children to apply skills that have been taught independently and build confidence in subject area. They accumulate points to achieve certificates and this is celebrated with the children. There are a range of videos for children to access to support teaching and practising of their maths skills for example multiplication up to the 12x tables. This is an exciting and visual resource for children to gain confidence in maths.
ICT Hardware Resources (£9,656)

Ipads were obtained from the DFE for children to use when bubbles had to be closed due to Covid-19.
Hardware, such as adapters for charging and cases had to be purchased to ensure the iPads were protected and could be used at home without damage.
To enable children to catch-up on ICT education missed, we purchased Lego coding kits which allow children to design, build and code real world robotics linked to curriculum themes. This moves coding from just a screen based activity to something in the real world.
If you’d like to know more about any of this, please get in contact.