About our school
School Governors
Role of Governors
There are three interwoven strands:
- to take a largely strategic role in the running of the school
- to act as a critical friend to the school
- to ensure accountability of the Governing Body to the parents and of the Headteacher to the Governing Body
The responsibilities and powers have to be exercised in partnership with the Headteacher and staff.
Meeting attendance
Meeting Minutes
If you would like a copy of the minutes for a governors meeting, please contact clerk@huntingdonprimary.cambs.sch.uk .

Huntingdon Primary School Governing Body
The Governing Body is here to support the school and is made up of a group of 11 individuals from a variety of backgrounds. Some of the governors are parents and staff and some come from the wider community or the Local Authority. This mix provides a wealth of experience and views.
The Full Governing Body meets once every half term. In addition, we have one lead governor for each of the following areas who visits school on a termly basis:
- Resources and Finance: responsible for managing the school budget (salaries, fuel costs, rates, repairs and maintenance)
- Safeguarding; responsible for the safeguarding of children and staff
- SEND: responsible for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Teaching & Learning: responsible for monitoring the curriculum
- Health and Safety; responsible for monitoring the building and site and making sure it is safe
- Personnel: responsible for staff issues
The lead governor reports back to the whole governing body who collectively take responsibility.

Why have Governing Bodies?
Governors help schools provide the best possible education for their pupils by:
- thinking and working strategically to help to raise standards
- monitoring and evaluating progress towards the school’s priorities and targets
- supporting the Headteacher and staff as well as challenging their expectations
The Governing Body have specific responsibility in a number of areas including:
- Curriculum and conduct of the school
- Children with special educational needs
- Overseeing the school budget
- Appointment and disciplinary procedures with regard to staff
- Discipline and attendance of pupils
- Community use of the school
- Extended services

Contact Governors

Elaine Lynch

Andrew Valentine
Co-opted Governor
I am married to Lyn, who worked at HPS for 20 years, firstly as a teaching assistant and then a teacher. I am keen to support the strategic direction and management of the school, ultimately to provide the best possible education for the children.

Jane Gedny
Chair of Governors, Local Authority Governor
I am married and have 3 grown up children and 7 grandchildren. Before retiring I was a teacher, deputy head and then an adviser for the local authority. I have been a governor at HPS since 2012 and have enjoyed working with Ms Lynch and all the staff to provide the best education we can for your children. I am currently Chair of Governors and if you have any questions please get in touch.

Lucy Clarke
Co-opted Governor
I have one daughter at HPS and volunteered to become a governor after she finished EYFS.
I work as an Admin Assistant in the office at HPS and previously worked as a fundraising manager in the charity sector.

Hajira Khan
Parent Governor
As a project and programme management expert, I have led complex programmes in public and charity sectors in various parts of the world. Some of these programmes have focussed on systemic changes in research, higher education, and TVET. In my role as a Governor, I hope to contribute my skills and diverse experiences to the school’s strategic direction.

Jackie Edwards
Staff Governor

Ryan Doherty
Parent Governor
I spent my early career working in Education HR whilst studying for my Master’s degree and CIPD qualification.
I currently work in Financial Services based in Canary Wharf for a major bank providing HR advice to Asset Management stakeholders.
I live locally and my daughter attends the school, as did I growing up in Huntingdon.