Home Learning

Good morning Year 3,

This weeks project is really important because we would like everyone to create a self-portraits which will go onto the front cover of your end of Year 3 school report. Therefore we are expecting high-quality pieces of art. We would like everyone to try their hardest.

This week in English we will be looking at a new myth called Pandora’s Box. In Maths we are continuing with learning about time. This week we will be focusing on telling the time to the nearest minute, AM/ PM, and the 24 hour clock system. This week the spelling rule are are focusing on is words with the ay /eI/ sound spelt ei, eigh or ey. This week’s words are: veil, neighbour, eight, reign, they, obey, beige, sleigh, vein, weigh. 

We have left up the ‘This is Me’ written assignments for your reports in case you still need to complete the written activity for your reports.

Remember if you need any support with your home learning you can always ask Miss Martin or Miss Reeve a questions.