Home Learning

Hello Year 3

Well done for completing your learning challenges last week! You have shown lots of resilience in your hard work and we have loved seeing your work on Seesaw. It has also been great to see you and your families keeping fit with Joe Wicks. Keep up the amazing work!

This week in Maths we are going to be looking at a few areas that we found tricky while completing your Maths quizzes. These areas include inverse, division and estimating. In English we are going to be focusing on our SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) skills. To begin the week, we will look at how to punctuate direct speech and then move onto other areas including adverbs. As you did last week please work through the Power Points before completing the assigned work. Your weekly times tables and spelling focus has also been posted on Seesaw.

For this weeks project we you need to answer the question ‘How will you survive in the Stone Age or the Iron Age?’. To do this you need to design either a Stone Age or an Iron Age settlement. This can be completed as a drawing or you could build your settlement. Then you need to explain how you will survive in the settlement. There are guiding questions and things to think about to help you when designing and explaining your settlement. You could present this information either in written form or as a voice recording.

Good Luck Year 3 and we are looking forward to reading your responses.