It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

This week has been a very busy week in Year 5 and we have participated in many Christmas activities.

On Monday we saw the pantomime Robin Hood and Nevena said ‘We all enjoyed it, even if it was a little loud.’ I think that perhaps the dancing by myself and Miss Ruff had something to do with the noise level!

On Tuesday we had an assembly with the Reverend John who as Jniah and Sacha said. ‘Taught us about the meaning of Christmas as well as telling us some terrible Christmas cracker jokes.’ Jniah’s favourite was- Why does a giraffe have a long neck. The answer is because he has smelly feet!

We also saw the Nativity from the Early Years children which Ari says was ‘Quite cool as the children had to learn their lines very quickly.’

On Wednesday it was Year 2’s turn to entertain us with their production of Hey Ewe.  Sophia found the performance ‘very entertaining with different songs.’

Then on Friday we wore our Christmas jumpers to school which Jack W said was ‘very comfy.’

We are looking forward to another busy week in our run up to the Christmas break.