Learning Legends!

Year 6 has been hard at work completing our yearly assessments in Maths, Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension.  We have had a good time combining fractions and multiplication, though Alice claims that “It was a tiny bit tricky, but then it was a tiny bit easy”.   In English we have been focusing on the way writers can share their intent through word usage, implications, and familiar settings. We have discussed the shared ideas between what the author has written and what the reader sees or thinks. Sylvia said it was “hard, and then easy”,  “because it was just finding evidence from the text,” added Alice. To better our understand of the Ancient Islamic Civilisation, we have been looking at the life of Muhammad. Matvej found this subject “fun and interesting because there was so much to learn about his life”! We are all looking forward to learning more on our upcoming Mosque trip (letter sent home earlier this week).