About our school
Paying for meals, uniform and other items
Huntingdon Primary is now a cashless school
There is currently a problem with the app.
The app has been removed from the app stores while an upgraded version is prepared. In the meantime, please use the website portal instead.
You can access the web portal version of Pupil Asset here:
First time logging in?
If you’re new, use the First Time Logging In? link on the login page to get a password.
You must use the same e-mail address that we have on file at school.
Paying for meals & more:
Use the Pupil Asset app to view and top up your meals balance using any debit or credit card.
Pupils choose their meal on the day, so all you need to do is keep the balance topped up, and we’ll do the rest! Other things like uniform or trips can be paid for in the Puil Asset app too.
Use the app, Pupil Asset, to pay for meals, uniform orders, clubs and trips.
The app is available from the app store on your device, or you can also log in on the web at the Pupil Asset website.