Home Learning

Home Learning

Good morning Year 3, This weeks project is really important because we would like everyone to create a self-portraits which will go onto the front cover of your end of Year 3 school report. Therefore we are expecting high-quality pieces of art. We would like everyone...
Home Learning

Home Learning

We are so incredibly proud of Year Three and it has been a joy to see your home learning each day, we would like to thank you all! Over the next week we will be reading the Greek myth of Icarus and Deadauls. We will then be writing a diary entry from the point of view...
Home Learning Summer Week 2

Home Learning Summer Week 2

Hello Everyone, We had another great week last week of Home Learning. This week in Maths we are learning to use column method to multiply a two digit number by a one digit number. We will also be looking at different strategies to divide a two digit number by a one...
Home Learning

Home Learning

Hello Year 3 Well done for completing your learning challenges last week! You have shown lots of resilience in your hard work and we have loved seeing your work on Seesaw. It has also been great to see you and your families keeping fit with Joe Wicks. Keep up the...