Play suit uniform

Play suit uniform

A helpful parent has pointed out that some of the supermarkets are now selling play suits in the Green Gingham style of our summer uniform dresses. In case you were wondering, these are absolutely fine to wear for school uniform (in fact, we think they look great!)....


In art today we explored creating an observational drawing. As our topic is ‘world kitchen’ we looked closely at a range of different fruits. We carefully drew an orange and then shaded them in using soft pastels. We then put all our oranges together to...
PE Kits

PE Kits

This is a reminder to make sure all Year Five children have their full PE kits on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The full PE kit consists of a white t-shirt, black trousers or shorts, trainers, socks and if it is hot a sun hat. Thank you!
PE Kits


Just a quick reminder that our P.E days are on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please could the children bring in their P.E kits on Monday and take them home on Friday. Thank you Year 2
Sun Cream

Sun Cream

Phew, what a scorcher that weekend was! We’re hoping to get a few more days of it, so here’s a reminder of our sun cream guidelines: When the weather dictates, please apply sun cream before school. If your child’s skin is especially fair and you think...