About our school
Open Data Project
We use a range of different digital systems at HPS, both for children in class, for staff and for parents to access from home. Our Open Data project brings together the data from these different systems and publishes it so that you (and the children!) can see how we are doing. Data is usually broken down by year group or class, so competition is rife!
About the data: Data sets are updated every 72 hours as a minimum, but usually every 48 hours is routine. The running totals are for this academic year only. We’re working on bringing more data into these dashboards as we work out how to extract it in an automated way from our systems.
The graphs on this page are drawn live from the remote data sets (for the nerds amongst you we do cache the data sets locally for 30 minutes to reduce server load), so you may occasionally experience a delay. If anything looks like it’s missing data, reload the page to force the graph to redraw.
For most graphs, hover your mouse, or tap on, a bar to see more information.
On mobile: The graphs on this page can be difficult to view on some mobile devices, our apologies for that. When on mobile tapping on a data point will usually provide more information which might help things.
Maths Platforms
Mathletics and Manga High are maths platforms that allow our chidren to compete in maths activities, against the computer, their class mates, or pupils from around the world. Points are scored for activities correctly completed and for being faster and more accurate than the competition. Teachers are able to set certain themes to the activities to help children practice the bits they need most
To see the exact points, hover or tap on a slice of the pie.
For the pupil scores, you can sort the table by tapping a column header.
What does it mean?
The pie chart shown here displays the points earned per year group for Mathletics and per class for Manag High. Mathletics is ussed by Year 1-4 and Manga high by Y5-6. The bigger the slice, the more maths activities that a group is completing compared to the rest.
To compare just certain year groups to each other, click a label on the legend to toggle that year group’s slice off until you are left with the groups you want to compare.
Comparing the Mathletics groups against the Manga High groups is not reliable as the two systems allocate points and medals in a different proportion, so Mathletics groups will always look better in comparison.
Mathletics Top Points
Name | Year | Points |
Total Seesaw Posts School-wide:
What does it mean?
The graph shown here displays the amount of items added to childrens portfolio’s in the last 30 days, and then the running total for the current academic year.
The table below shows the amount of parents who have signed up and are linked to their child in the app, as well as the amount of times those parents have viewed an item in the last 30 days.
Group | Linked | 30 Day Visits |
Early Years | 0 | 0 |
Year 1 | 0 | 0 |
Year 2 | 0 | 0 |
Year 3 | 0 | 0 |
Year 4 | 0 | 0 |
Year 5 | 0 | 0 |
Year 6 | 0 | 0 |
Total Blog Posts School-wide:
What does it mean?
The graph shown here displays the amount of blog posts and comments added to each of the class blogs on HPSblogs.net
Blog posts are usually more long form writing, so the numbers will be lower than for some other systems where pupils are adding little-but-often style posts.
Attendance is incredibly important to the education of our children and makes a big difference to a child’s ability to do well at school.
Studies show that an attendance level of less than 96% will have an impact on a child’s ability to be successful at school. Below 90% and things start getting really hard.
Each week our classes compete to have the highest attendance percentage, with the highest scoring class at the end of term getting an extra special treat.
What does it mean?
This gauge updates once a week and is showing the percentage of attendance for all sessions last week and the year to date across the whole school.
As a school, we aim to have a 96%+ attendance rate to ensure our children have the best chance of success.
Children who’s attendance drops below 97% will be sent a letter to let them know how important it is to be present at school – we take further steps if the attendance of a child continues to drop.
Whole-school attendance percentage for the year to date and the previous week:
100-96% – Best chance of success
95-91% – Less chance of success
Below 90% – Makes it hard to progress
Word Billionaires
What does it mean?
Every book in our system has been cataloged and the number of pages recorded. When a child marks a book as complete, they take a quiz to demonstrate that they actually did read the book, and the system adds the amount of pages for that particular book to the total for that year group.
The graph shown here displays the amount of pages read by each class group in the last full week.
Lockdown Data
During the Covid Lockdown that started in March 2020 learning had to be done remotely, with very little time to prepare. We’ve collated the data relating just to the lockdown period on a special dashboard.
It shows that, among other things, children submitted over 36 thousand pieces of work over the four month lockdown period using our learning platform, Seesaw. We think that’s pretty impressive!