About our school
School Uniform
Children are expected to wear school uniform at Huntingdon Primary. This includes a school jumper or cardigan with the school logo on. This can be ordered using the Pupil Asset parent app. Please check sizes and prices below before ordering.
The remaining uniform is widely available and can be purchased from various retailers including many of the supermarkets and high street shops.
- Jade coloured school sweatshirt/cardigan with HPS logo – this item is only available to buy via Pupil Asset.
- Black or grey skirt or trousers
- White polo shirt
- Dark coloured sensible shoes
- Hair accessories should be similar to the colours in the uniform: black, white and green.
- Green and white gingham dress (optional in summer)
- Smart shorts (optional in summer)
- For indoor PE; shorts, T-shirt and trainers or plimsolls.
- For outdoor PE; a tracksuit or sweatshirt may be worn in cold weather.
- For safety reasons we do not allow the children to wear jewellery apart from stud earrings.
Optional Extras
The following items are optional and are available to purchase via the Pupil Asset app, should you like to do so:
- HPS branded waterproof coat
- HPS branded Baseball Cap
- HPS branded book bag
Other items of uniform such as black or grey skirts, trousers, shorts, white polo shirts and green summer dresses, can be purchased at reasonable prices from most High Street retailers.
All Reception children receive a FREE Book Bag!