Quiddich comes to HPS

Quiddich comes to HPS

On Friday, the Year Five children took part in a game of Quiddich. They learned about the rules, the players and the different balls used in the game. Griffindor were up against Ravenclaw and Griffidor won both games with a total of 330-30.
Hinchingbrooke Year 7

Hinchingbrooke Year 7

Going to Hinchingbrooke in Year 7? This is a message from Hinchinbrooke’s Transition team about their Get Ahead booklet, which you can download below. Dear Parent / Guardian, I am delighted to introduce an initiative to you as part of Hinchingbrooke’s Transition...
Welcome back from year one!

Welcome back from year one!

We would like to say a huge welcome back to year one! We hope you all had a lovely break. We have such an exciting final half term planned for the children. We look forward to letting you know all about our learning. Just a reminder that the phonics screening check...
Our trip to the farm

Our trip to the farm

Thank you to our volunteers who supported us on our trip yesterday and thank you to the animals for having us! We had a great time in the sun visiting the cows, pigs, horses and rabbits at Wimpole.  
Summer Newsletter

Summer Newsletter

Our Summer Term Newsletter is available to download below. It includes important information about a change to the upper years end of day access as well as a whole host of exciting things coming this term! [download id=”206156″]