Dinner change

Dinner change

We’ve had a problem with the Gas supply in our main kitchen this morning. Consequently our Head Chef Mrs Griffiths and team have not been able to cook the roast dinner that was on the menu for today. Instead we’ll be having a lunch of sandwiches, salads,...
Marvellous Masks!

Marvellous Masks!

The children in Year 1 have had a very exciting Autumn term so far. Our topic ‘Hakuna Matata’ has been really interesting. In DT we explored masks from the Lion King stage show. We used some of the creator’s and our own ideas to make our own masks of...
Hand Puppets

Hand Puppets

During this half term, the children have been practicing running stitch and back stitch. The children have then designed and created their own hand puppet. The body of the puppet was stitched together by either running stitch or back stitch and the decoration was...
Harvest Thanks

Harvest Thanks

A big thank you to all those who donated goods to our Harvest Collection. A group of HPS children delivered a stuffed car load of goodies to the Medway Foodbank this afternoon.