Sewing Club

Sewing Club

Our after school clubs are all finished for this year (there are none on this week) – we thought we’d share some of the amazing festive cross stitching that the Sewing Club have been up to!
Sickness in school

Sickness in school

Along with the snow, we do have a few bugs and viruses circulating around school. Please continue to take precautions and keep children off school for 48 hours should they suffer from sickness so that we can break the cycle of infections and avoid spreading the bugs...
Food Delivery!

Food Delivery!

Thank you for your generous donations for The Pantry. This morning, we all walked them down into town. This was such a valuable experience for the children and a chance for them to make a great contribution to the local community too!
Closure procedure

Closure procedure

It’s a bit nippy out there at the moment!   We don’t expect any snow before Christmas, but if it did happen and was heavy enough to force us to close, here’s what would happen:   We would send a text message to all priority contacts for...
A real tree!

A real tree!

We are very lucky to have been generously gifted a real Christmas tree and some decorations! A huge thank you to Dobbies, Huntingdon! Our Arts Ambassadors have decorated our new tree and it is in pride of place in the front entrance. We have had many comments on how...