About our Children


Our children are members of one of eight house teams. House tokens are collected throughout the term for various achievements in school and at the end of each term we add up the totals for each house.

The winning house gets a special treat and at the end of the year the house with the most tokens overall get to do something really special! You can see the current points totals in the graph, which we update at the end of every half term.

  • Jet: 2558 100% 100%
  • Amethyst: 2425 95% 95%
  • Citrine: 2241 88% 88%
  • Turquoise: 2222 87% 87%
  • Garnet: 2213 86% 86%
  • Sunstone: 2177 85% 85%
  • Emerald: 1936 76% 76%
  • Sapphire: 1829 72% 72%

Star Of The Week

Every week each class teacher picks one child who has been a shining example of one of our HPS Values. They are celebrated in assembly and get a coveted star award to display to all.

Celebration Videos

We celebrate what’s being going on in school on our Youtube Channel. View the most recent celebration videos below or visit the channel to see more!

Daily Mile

Daily Mile

We're running the Daily Mile at HPS! https://youtu.be/nsBj5xSElrY

Anti Bullying week

Anti Bullying week

We've been spending some time in HPS thinking about bullying and how we can help prevent it happening. https://youtu.be/GNMmTaUCYaI

Head Comms Awards

At the end of every half term, teachers from each class nominate two children who have demonstrated our school values throughout the half term. These awards are celebrated in a special assembly and winners receive a Head’s Comm’s badge to wear for the rest of the year.


Attendance is incredibly important to the education of our children and makes a big difference to a child’s ability to do well at school.

Studies show that an attendance level of less than 96% will have an impact on a child’s ability to be successful at school. Below 90% and things start getting really hard.

Each week our classes compete to have the highest attendance percentage, with the highest scoring class at the end of term getting an extra special treat. This shows the leaderboard so far this year, updated weekly.

ClassWeekly WinsYearly Percentage
Class 1091.42
Class 2092.22
Class 1KM090.98
Class 1RDJ094.38
Class 1RH094.91
Class 5195.29
Class 6094.08
Class 7093.03
Class 8195.7
Class 9196.33
Class 10295.08
Class 11093.53
Class 12094.67
Class 13094.71
Class 14296.78
Weekly winnerPercentage
Class 598.44%

Whole-school attendance percentage for the year to date and the previous week:

100-96% – Best chance of success

95-91% – Less chance of success

Below 90% – Makes it hard to progress

Current Weekly Winner (last week):

What does it mean?

This gauge updates once a week and is showing the percentage of attendance for all sessions last week and the year to date across the whole school.

As a school, we aim to have a 96%+ attendance rate to ensure our children have the best chance of success.

The table shows the attendance percentage for each class over the year, along with how many times each class has been the highest attended class in school for that week – the Weekly Wins.

If more than one class has 100% attendance, they both get a Weekly Win, which is why the total weekly wins may add up to more than the amount of weeks school has been open.

These are aggregated stats for the entire class. Individual children who’s attendance drops below 97% will be sent a letter to let them know how important it is to be present at school – we take further steps if the attendance of a child continues to drop.

Weekly Winner

This gauge shows the class with the highest attendance percentage for the last full week of school.