Year 3 Homework

Year 3 Homework

Miss Martin and I have enjoyed sharing all the children’s homework this term. We have had lots of fantastic Italian landmarks that have been carefully created. We look forward to seeing what next terms homework activities will be!
Anti-bullying Week in Year 3

Anti-bullying Week in Year 3

This week is anti-bullying week and the theme for this year is Change Starts With Us. During our English lessons we have been writing our own speech to answer our big question “Do you think we can reduce bullying in our school?”. We have been using our ABC...
Year 3 PE Days

Year 3 PE Days

This half term, PE will take place on a Thursday and a Friday. Please ensure your children bring warm jogging bottoms and a jumper to wear as the weather is getting colder. Children will also need PE shoes which, should be different from their normal school shoes....
Geography Walk

Geography Walk

On Monday and Wednesday, Class 7 and Class 8 went for a geography walk around Huntington. We walked from Huntington Primary School all the way into town to the war memorial. On the way we plotted our route and chose symbols to represent important landmarks for example...
Hand Puppets

Hand Puppets

During this half term, the children have been practicing running stitch and back stitch. The children have then designed and created their own hand puppet. The body of the puppet was stitched together by either running stitch or back stitch and the decoration was...