London Trip

London Trip

With the trip to The National Gallery in London fast approaching, we wanted to clarify the final details and expectations for the days. We’re taking around 500 children with us, so there’s some organising to be done! Year 1 and 2: Monday November 12th Year...
Autumn 2

Autumn 2

We have had a great first week back in year two after our half term break! We are looking forward to learning our songs and lines for our nativity production and slips with our parts will be going home this week! Just a reminder that we have PE on a Tuesday and a...
Our magic week

Our magic week

We have had a spooky week in EY, exploring pumpkins and designing, making and measuring our own magic potions! We had to use our phonics skills to write a list of our potion ingredients, and our knowledge of capacity and measuring to ensure our potions were right. We...
Y6 Residential

Y6 Residential

The reply slips for the Y6 residential trip are due back today. We’re still waiting on a few so we’ve decided to extend the deadline to Monday. Please return your slip by Monday as we’ll then be booking the accommodation and you may miss your chance!...