No Clubs Thursday

No Clubs Thursday

Just a reminder that there are no clubs tomorrow (Thursday) – this is KS1 Football, Gym and the Stay and Create club.
Fair Trade

Fair Trade

HPS will be taking part in Fairtrade Fortnight from Monday 25th February to 8th March 2019. We will be investigating where Fairtrade goods are grown around the world and how they are processed. We will look at why supporting Fairtrade is important to the grower and...
Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

We have been very busy this week, celebrating Chinese New Year as well as thinking about safer internet day. We looked at the similarities and differences between English letters and Chinese letters, and then wrote our names using Chinese letters! We wonder if you can...
Jurassic coast

Jurassic coast

This term year two are exploring the topic ‘Jurassic coast’. On Monday, something very exciting happened! Outside our classroom door, we found some dinosaur bones! Year two have been using brushes and magnifying glasses to explore the bones further and we...
Job openings…

Job openings…

Looking for a new job? How about three of them? We have a number of posts that we’re looking to fill, revolving around looking after our school, which can be combined together or worked seperately in any combination you fancy! For further information on how to...