About our school

Wraparound Care at HPS

We are launching our Wraparound Care provision for families needing childcare before and after the school day.

We understand that parents need reliable childcare and so we’re launching this provision from September 2024. Scroll down or download the booklet on this page for more details about our wraparound care offer.

To understand more about financial support that you may be eligible to receive towards the cost of childcare, visit the Childcare Choices website https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/

To apply for a place, complete both the “Contacts and Permissions” and “Terms and Conditions” forms and return them to the school office. If you have any questions, or for Word format copies by email, or for printed paper copies to be sent home with your child at the end of the school day, please email Mrs Clarke  wac@huntingdonprimary.cambs.sch.uk